Meet Elizabeth Robinson…

Grammar School: Kindergarten

Elizabeth grew up in Atlanta, Georgia where she graduated from a hybrid Christian school. She then moved to Lynchburg to pursue her Bachelors Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies focusing on psychology, religion, social work, and education at Liberty University. She met her now husband, Trent, there and they got married in May of 2023. He is the associate/transitional lead pastor at Laymen Church. Elizabeth loves art and music and enjoys anything outdoors. 

She is our first teacher to experience a hybrid school as a student and she intentionally sought out a teaching position in a hybrid school as it was pivotal to her growth, both academically and spiritually. Elizabeth spent time through her college years substitute teaching at a hybrid school in Lynchburg and has done a significant amount of volunteer work with children. She brings fresh energy and a willingness to serve!

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