Meet Kourtney Craig…

Grammar School: 1st Grade Teacher

Kourtney Craig and her husband Adam, live in Stewartsville, with their two daughters, Alaina (10) and Clara (8). Mrs. Craig has always had a love for children! She has many qualities that contribute to her successful teaching roles, including her strong sense of creativity and her attention to detail.

Working with children and partnering with parents in the process of helping them learn and grow with a Christ-centered worldview has been an interest of Kourtney’s throughout her career and ministries.

Prior to having her own children, Kourtney taught preschool and Junior Kindergarten for five years. Spending time with her own daughters only increased Kourtney’s love for educating children. After her daughters both became school age, Kourtney began teaching Art to children in kindergarten through eighth grade as well as serving as a regular substitute for preschool through fifth grade for five years. 

Kourtney strives to be an example of Christ in every aspect of her interactions with her students. She is excited and thankful to be joining the CCA family!

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